Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Austy was on the Dodgers this year and loved playing pitcher and catcher. Catcher is always fun at this age because you get to put all the equiptment on ( like playing dress-up with girls) haha!

The coach was our Bishop and his brother in-law which have adopted us into their fun family (they have 5 boys and a girl, the bishop is married to the girl) so with that many siblings and all of their kids it feels as close as possible to being home with cousins on the holidays. This has been a great blessing to my boys...we love you Showalter family! Oh and of course Jake was one of the assistants!! He loves control...wonder where that comes from?????
Yes we do get sun here in Buffalo!!!

There's my cute little catcher with and amazing arm!!

Mason was a great helper to Austy's team too! Brothers are the best!!

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